Monday, February 11, 2013

date night (day?)

Around our home it's usually very calm. Jordan's studying while I'm messing around on my phone, on the computer, or reading a book.

This weekend we were able to get out for a day downtown! First an adorable sandwich shop downtown and then an art museum a couple of blocks away. I love get-out-of-the-house fun days!

What are some of your fun date night ideas?


Sunday, February 10, 2013

sunday snapshots

I felt like some bright colors today. Plus, that scarf that you see right there, I made that! And it is the softest scarf, or piece of clothing for that matter, that I have ever had... I love it!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

rolling in the deep

Josh and I LOVE this guy! He is so talented and his videos are fun to watch. Check him out if you want some great acappella music to listen to. This is one of our favorites of him.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

what does Emily and her outfit have in common?

Shirt: VS PINK  Pants: JCrew   Shoes: Sperry Topsider from Nordstrom   Scarf: AE

They are both blue!

Hubby thought this was a pretty funny joke of his. I haven't been feeling well today or yesterday, and my outfit was very blue, so I guess it makes sense! ;)


Saturday, January 26, 2013

a little creativity over here

Since high school I have always felt that school squashes my creativity. I am too consumed with reading, writing, studying, tests, and work that by the time I come home I just don't even want to think anymore. I want to hang out with hubs, or meet up with friends, or watch a movie. But this semester I seem to have a little bit more time to do a few things (how does that happen when I am working 17 hrs a week and taking 17 credits?? No idea.) and hubs is actually busier than I am.

So this weekend, I worked on a project! I wanted to hang up pictures because it has been about 5 months and we still don't have any hung up. We are a little bit pathetic. But picture frames are expensive and I wanted to make something cute! So here is what I came up with...

My own homemade shadow box. I am not completely finished with it yet. There are some things that I would like to pretty up a bit but not bad for an old DI suitcase and some creativity. It's totally me.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

what a day

Today was one of those days where you walk outside your house and want to literally turn right back around and not come out for the rest of the day. I was so close to doing this, so close! I got a text from Josh letting me know that it was raining a little bit outside so I might want an umbrella or something. I thought, okay sweet, and got my stuff and headed out the door. The first thing I hear -- a couple of yelps and laughing. The first thing I see -- people falling all down our street. It was 20 degrees and drizzling causing EVERYTHING to be frozen over. I had my snow boots on and I still doubted if I would even be able to get to campus. Well, I took one step, and I was fine. I took two steps and I was fine (holding on to the car as I made my way down the driveway) and step three, well that was the end. I completely fell down our driveway right onto my knees!  Ouch. It hurt so bad and I hate ice so much I kinda just wanted to cry right there. I got up, brushed myself off and just stared down the street for a solid minute. I really wanted to turn around and not make the trek up to campus.

But, I had classes to go to and work to get done. So I set out on my journey. About 2 minutes into the walk I came across this cute girl, dressed in a skirt and fashionable boots. I could tell she was struggling and that she needed help to get over the frozen snow mound blocking her from crossing the street. I took her arm, and helped her over. I had no idea who she was, but we became friends at that moment as we locked arms and continued on our journey. She explained that she was from China and had never experienced this kind of weather before. I told her neither had I and that it definitely was not normal. She continued to tell me how she already fell that morning and was scared to death to fall again. She had hit her head and scrapped up her arm pretty good. The poor thing did not even have gloves or tights on. So I held her up as we made the journey to her class. A walk that usually takes me 10 minutes took me 30! It was incredible, and slow and something I had never witnessed before. People were falling everywhere! And when I finally made it to class, I noticed for the first time that my backpack and coat were completely soaked. I was too busy focusing on my feet to have noticed.

I heard many, many stories about people's adventures in the ice. Some people got concussions, some broke laptops in their backpack, some broke limbs, some had blood streaming from their face (Josh saw this one), and many had bruised bums, legs and arms. I was astonished that BYU did not close down campus and I still think they should have. But it made for quite the adventure today. I made a new friend, broke my record of never falling on ice or snow at BYU (shame, I worked so hard) and saw lots of fun ice skating moves that I hope to never see again unless I am ice skating.

Check this video out and you will get an idea of what my day was like.

Monday, January 21, 2013

I work at MAC....right?

Hello everyone!! This is my first post on here that I have written for myself. My amazing sisters are so diligent at posting, but I am lacking.  The three of us all have very different styles and different interests, but at the same time they all sort of mesh together. I love animal print, bold lipstick and loose shirts and today I combined all three of those into one look. 

Funny story: I was walking around the mall with my little baby girl B, and I decided to walk into the MAC store and take a look around. The second I walked in, a woman that worked there stopped me and said, "Your lipstick is Ruby Woo isn't it?" So I smiled and nodded and we chatted for a little bit about lipstick. Then a woman that didn't work at the store came up to me and started asking me all kinds of questions about some of the lipsticks and other products in the store. I was answering them all very well, if I do say so myself! Then she asked me how long I had been working there.....oops! I guess that will teach me to walk into MAC wearing all black and bright red lips. Oh, and that proves that I am slightly obsessed with  makeup!

Lipstick: MAC's Ruby Woo ::  Necklace: Ebay  ::  Top: TJMaxx  ::  Pants: J Crew Pixie Pants  :: Shoes: Steve Madden

Sunday, January 20, 2013

sunday snapshot

Just me today peeps! I am obsessed with leopard print and fur right now, so I am almost shocked that I don't have any fur on. But I do have my pop of color with my green and coral accessories. It has been highs of 20 the past couple weeks, so I am glad to have even gotten this picture out in the cold, even if I do have "the sun is too bright and I am freezing" look on my face. It'll do.


Monday, January 14, 2013

stop motion in progress

The first stop motion with all 3 of the sisters is being worked on right now! Full of lots of randomness and a lot of things that would only be funny to us. Like this picture... I am the shortest one but I look freakishly tall. Awesome:)  


Sunday, January 13, 2013

sunday snapshots

Our first sunday snapshots post! We love a good excuse to get dressed up! Every Sunday we will post what we wore for the day. Some weeks will be all of us, some weeks it may only be one! 



From one Sunday outfit to another.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

watched this video in spanish class

I thought that it was pretty funny.

I have been in Spanish class since pretty much Elementary school. You think that I would be fluent by now. I mean, it should just be in my blood because I AM half Puerto Rican (yes, you heard me right. don't let the blonde haired blue eye thing fool you.) And in college it took me a while to get started in taking Spanish again. I cannot say that I procrastinated for no reason, because when I did finally start taking it again that is where I met my hubby, Josh. But then last semester I avoided moving forward to the next class again. I attended a few classes but the teachers were boring, or there were really annoying girls in the class and really, I just was not feeling it. I knew that I had to get back to it eventually though. I feel like I am meant to speak Spanish.

Sometimes I just get the feeling that I am walking but getting no where at the same time. I am hoping that feeling will go away as I try to push through all the learning. Even though I feel like I am meant to do certain things in my life, thinking about how much I have to grow to get there is a little scary and some days seems impossible.

This scripture, and reliance on my Heavenly Father, gets me through these sometimes taunting thoughts.

Ether 12: 27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their aweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my cgrace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them.


Knowing that my weaknesses can become my strengths is an amazing gift. I feel blessed just to even understand and know this scripture. It gives me perspective and strength to push through, not jut with Spanish, but other trials that I have and other weaknesses that I want to overcome.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

found this little gem

May 17, 2009 

Dear Webit,
I just wanted to inform you that I miss you lots. My life just isn't complete without my little sister who wishes she was me (I know you wanted to keep it a secret, but the hair is a dead give away ;)) You are the sunshine to my banana split and the cherry to my day :) I love you so much and I think that you should graduate already and come to college with me. We would have lots of fun! haha. :) I love you Webit and I hope you have a wonderful week of school. Text me if you ever need me... or call if you want me to sing you a lullaby as you fall asleep (Smack That, Right Now, Let it Rock) (These are song titles not something dirty :))
Chelsers :)

This is true sister love. :)


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

the best picture all of christmas

It was B's first Christmas and so we had to go to see Santa! Look at her all posing and ready for the camera with that little fist against her cheek. Simply adorable.
